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Ski Erg

Nordic Skiing

Ski Erg

Nordic Skiing

Hire Pricing

50% off: $23.00 pw for 12 weeks minimum.
30% off: $32.20 pw for 4 weeks minimum.
Usual: $46.00 pw for 1 week minimum

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Nordic Skiing
This Fitness4life Ski Erg makes the sport of Nordic skiing available to everyone.

Looking to Purchase? See the Available Options Below


Pay 25% today and
pay $23.00 per week for 48 weeks using FitPay

With a final payment of $17.25

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Pay using FitPay:
Pay $373.75 today
Following the initial payment, you will be charged weekly as follows:
$23.00 per week for 48 weeks
With a final payment of $17.25
The total payable after your deposit is $1,121.25

Read Terms and Conditions
Note: The above payment figures are estimates only and may vary depending on the shipping option selected.

Long recognized as delivering one of the toughest workouts around, Nordic skiing develops both strength and endurance and exercises the legs as well as the arms and core. The Ski Erg can be used for both double pole and classic alternating arm technique.  Designed to simulate the movement of cross-country skiing, this low-impact machine gives you a full-body workout all in the comfort of your home or commercial gym. The innovative flywheel technology allows you to adjust the airflow quickly and change the feel of the pull to suit your workout.

The SkiErg features a spiral damper with levels 1-10. The damper is like bicycle gearing, it affects the feel of the skiing but does not directly affect the resistance. By changing the damper setting you can simulate the range of skiing speeds. Higher damping feels more like skiing in slow conditions or uphill. Lower numbers feel like skiing in faster snow conditions, on flat terrain and downhill. For general fitness and a great aerobic workout we recommend a setting between 2 and 5.

The Ski Erg uses the same flywheel resistance and electronic monitoring systems as our indoor RM23 rower, so you can rest assured that the machine is made to last. As well as being durable and well built, the Ski Erg is sophisticated too, with an advanced monitor that provides immediate, accurate performance data.

Whether you’re an elite cross-country skier looking to improve your poling power, a weekend enthusiast wanting to get into shape for the ski season, or just someone looking for a great workout, the Ski Erg will help you achieve your goals.


Time, Strokes, calories, intervals
You can also connect to Kinomaps, Zwift.


  • Floor stand installed on SkiErg: (61 cm x 132 cm x 215.9 cm)
  • FREE pick up at completion of term for all delivered machines
  • Delivery fee may apply
  • Convert your hire to a purchase at 4 weeks and receive all your hire fees off the quoted purchase price.
  • Item added to cart
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Fitness4life XT25
Price: $1,895.00
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